Water Laboratory

Water is elixir!
Why pure water?
Contaminated water cause kidney damage, blue baby syndrome.breast cancer, tooth decay and several harmful diseases. Protect your family and life, safe portable water to all.
The Importance of water quality testing
Drinking or using contaminated water can result in severe illness or death That is why it is important to ensure that household water is safe.clean and free from bacteria and disease.
The source of water is an important factor in providing safe household water. Wells, lakes.ponds and rainwater are all sources of household water.but they must be tested to maintain public health standards.
Our Service to Institutions & Industries :
- Houses
- Apartments
- Labour Camps
- Educational Institutions
- Water supply & Jalanidhi Units
- Hospitals
- Hotels
- Hostels
- Rehabilitation centers
- Soda & Soft drink Units
- Catering Centers,
- Marriage/Function Halls
- Plantations
- Animal & Chick farms
- Fish harvesting Farms
- Poly house & Water theme parks
- Workshops & Services Stations
- Construction sites
Sampling for chemical examination
Water for physical and chemical examination should be collected in a clean, white 2 liter polythene container
- Before collection of sample, the container should be washed with the water for at least 2 to 3 times
- Label the container with all required source particulars
- The sample should be delivered to the lab with in 24 hours from the time of collection
Ahalia water analytical division provides water & effluent testing results for :
- Ground water
- Drinking water
- Borehole water
- Fresh water
- Irrigation water
- Marine water
- Surface water
- Effluent
- Waste water
- Landfill leach ate

Sampling for bacteriological examination
- For bacteriological examination, the water should be collected only in a pre sterilized 50 ml bottle supplied by the laboratory after remitting the testing charges
- The sample collection procedures will be explained by the laboratory personnel when the sampling bottles are delivered to the customer
- The sample should reach the laboratory within 6 hours from the time of collection However when preserved in an icebox, the sample can be delivered within 24 hours
- The sample should be labeled properly before it is handed over to the laboratory
“Ahalia is always with you to provide services & remedies”