Diabetes Education

Diabetes education department deals with the Awareness and education to the diabetes patients and their family or caregivers about the Causes, Symptoms, Complications, Prevention, Management and Treatments of Diabetes Mellitus.

Need for diabetes education

First step is to know about the problem of diabetes and facing it armed with this knowledge. It will help a diabetic lead a normal and healthy life.

  • Diabetic education makes a patient know about the details of diabetes, management of diabetes and how to lead a normal life with diabetes.
  • To improve the quality of life by utilizing the available treatments and facilities in the hospital.
  • To avoid the miss concept regarding the disease and treatment for diabetes.
  • The following unique services are offered by us:

    Interactive Lecture Sessions & Audiovisual Presentation in English & Malayalam

  • Individual Counselling
  • CD-ROM on Diabetes in English for sale